The word health states complete emotional and physical wellbeing. Health care exists to help people maintain this optimal state of health.

Health is the quest for continued growth and balance in the seven dimensions of wellbeing. But, many people only think of physical health when “wellness“. The word is reminiscent of diet, exercise, weight control and blood pressure, etc. So, wellbeing is much more than physical health. Wellness is a complete integration of physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. But it is a complex interaction that leads to quality of life.

Genetic Factors

A person is born with a multitude of genes. Because of an unusual genetic form or change can lead to suboptimal health in some people. And, a persons can inherit genes from their parents that grow their risk of certain health conditions.

Environmental Factors

Environmental factors play a role in health. Because the environment alone is enough to have an impact on health. But, an environmental cause can cause disease in a person who has a higher genetic risk for a particular disease.

Access to health care matters, but the WHO suggests that the following factors may have a more significant impact on health:

  • where a person lives
  • the environment
  • the genetic
  • your income
  • your level of education and
  • employment relationship

They Can Be Classified As follows:

The Social And Economic Environment:

This can include the financial situation of a family or community and social culture, and the quality of relationships.

The Physical Environment:

This includes the germs present in an area and the level of contamination.

A Person’s Characteristics And Behaviours:

A individual’s genetic makeup and life selections can affect their total health.

The more developed a person’s socioeconomic status (SES) is, the more likely they will be in good health, have a good education, get a well-paying job and live well. From illness or injury.

They also argue that people with low socioeconomic status are more likely to experience stress in everyday life, such as, E.g. financial difficulties, adultery and unemployment.

Social Factors

such as marginalization and discrimination can also influence ill health for people with low socioeconomic status.

A low SES often means limited access to health care. For example, a 2018 study in Frontiers in Pharmacology Trusted Source reported that people in developed countries with universal health coverage live longer than people in developed countries without universal health coverage.

Cultural Issues Can Affect Health.

For example, a society’s traditions and customs and a family’s response can positively or negatively affect health.

The Seven Country Study

According to the Seven Country Study, researchers looked at people in certain European countries and found that those who ate healthily had a lower mortality rate in their 20s.

The study showed that people who eat a healthy diet are more likely to consume lots of fruit, vegetables and olives than people who eat fast food regularly.The study also found that people who adhered to the Mediterranean diet had a lower all-cause mortality rate over ten years.

The International Journal of Environmental Research

The International Journal of Environmental Research, Public Health says Trusted Source. In addition, this diet can help protect a person’s heart and reduce the risk of several diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cancer, and conditions that damage the brain and nerves.

How a person deals with stress also affects their wellbeing. For example persons who smoke tobacco, drink alcohol or use illicit drugs to manage stressful situations are more likely to develop health problems than those who work stress through healthy eating, relaxation techniques, and exercise.