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What is UI Design?

What is UI Design

What is UI Design?

UI design is essential to any software and greatly impacts how users interact with your product. There is much to consider when talking about UI design. This post will discuss what UI design means and the different principles to consider when handling the UI design for your software.

Understanding UI Design

UI stands for user interface design. UI design revolves around designing the appearance, and interfaces users interact with when using your product. UI design focuses on human-computer interaction and determines how comfortable users will be when interacting with the interfaces of your product, such as an application.

UI design involves three main elements:

  1. Navigation

It considers the elements that help users interact with the interfaces and navigate around. They include elements such as a search bar, sliders, scrolling effects, etc.

  1. Input Controls

They refer to the elements that help users give information, such as sign-up forms, checkboxes, text fields, search text boxes, etc.

  1. Informational Components

The elements pass information to the user, such as notification areas, progress bars, confirmation prompts, etc.

When designing user interfaces for your software, you should consider the three categories of interfaces mentioned below.

  1. Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs)

They are the visual elements that the user interacts with, including the navigation, input, and informational components.

  1. Voice Controlled Interfaces (VUIs)

As part of inclusivity, you can add options for users to interact with your software using voice. Platforms like Siri are smart assistants relying on VUIs.

  1. Gesture-Based Interfaces

These are interfaces that deal with 3D design and other bodily motions. For instance, if creating the UI for an eCommerce site, you can include augmented reality for users to interact with.

Best UI Design Principles

Before you visit an agency such as JayDevs that offers reliable UX designers for hire, it’s worth noting the different UI design principles that your software you should have. These principles should guide the design to ensure you create appealing interfaces for the users to interact with.

  1. Ensure you give the users control of the interface. For instance, ensure the user can minimize your website or scroll through to different sections.
  2. Be consistent in the design of the UI elements to facilitate easy learning and pave room for the user to be comfortable.
  3. Allow room for users to give feedback by adding sections, such as the comments or feedback area at the bottom.
  4. Ensure you add proper labelling of different controls for quick usability and navigation.
  5. Be sure to add navigation buttons at suitable positions.
  6. Maintain your brand’s consistency.
  7. Use proper alignment and colors that don’t hinder the usage of your product. Bright colors should be avoided.
  8. Focus on keeping your interfaces simple with minimal actions per page.
  9. Make your interfaces mobile responsive to accommodate different users and devices.


The UI design is critical as it controls how and what the user will interact with when they visit your software. [UI design] handles the interfaces and the look of your software. We’ve discussed it in detail and mentioned a few principles for a neat [UI design].

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