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Healthy clean eating is not a diet you follow for a few weeks to shed a few pounds for most people. Instead, it’s a lifestyle to choose minimally processed foods and contain little or no artificial sweeteners, food colouring, or other additives.

Proponents tout the many benefits of cleansing your act, ranging from more energy to shinier hair. Some women say that long-standing skin problems suddenly disappear, and they sleep better, get sick less and feel more energetic. And, of course, there is fat loss when you eliminate empty calories from your diet. Research has also revealed that this eating style can support everything from improving blood sugar profiles to lowering cholesterol levels.


1. Forage more

Forget the old three-squares and mindless snacking: you eat five or six healthy, well-planned meals each day on the cleanest diets. It keeps your metabolism consistently fired throughout the day by preventing your blood sugar from crashing, saving 3 pm. Lack of energy tends to turn to caffeine and sugary snacks for a boost. With Clean Eating, every meal or snack contains a balance of quality protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats to keep you satisfied. For example, a nutritious breakfast of egg white omelette and whole-wheat toast can following by a late morning snack of Greek yoghurt, fruit and nuts.

2. Sweetie

Plan to drink at least about 2 litres, or eight 8-ounce glasses, of fluids each day. Water is essential for your system to function at its best, from glowing skin to healthy digestion. Think of it this way: They can survive for weeks without food, but only a few days without water.

To help you absorb all that fluid, try consuming about a litre before lunch and another before dinner. Keep a water bottle at your desk, on your kitchen counter, or in your car. Try adding a little flavour to your water by adding fresh lemon, cucumber, or orange slices. You benefit in many ways from drinking water throughout the day.

3. Plan your success

It’s easy to talk about healthy eating with a full fridge, but when you’re on the go and hungry, there’s nothing easier than reaching for a vending machine or buying something at the supermarket. Plan what you will eat for your respective meal and prepare your food in advance. Pick one day of the week when you take time to prepare maximum, if not all, of your meals for the week ahead. Boil your proteins, steam your veggies, make a big salad without dressing, etc. Each night, prepare your meals for the next day. When you’re working or spending time away from home, store your groceries in a cooler with an ice pack so you can eat healthy at all times.

4. Be a detective

Most clean foods are natural, with little or no additives. When you’re in the store, make a habit of reading ingredient labels. Beware diet bombs like high fructose corn syrup that can appear in unexpected places like crackers, cereal and yoghurt. Although trans fats are out of the food supply, ingredients containing hydrogenated oils can still include these unhealthy fats. Also on the list of banned products: are artificial sweeteners, dyes, and other additives. If you can’t pronounce it, you should probably avoid it. Although research is the benefits and risks of foods made from genetically modified organisms modified in the lab to give them added nutritional value or make them resistant to insects or weeds, most clean diets avoid using GMO ingredients.

While some clean-eating advocates insist on buying primarily organic fare, it’s not in everyone’s budget. However, when possible, opt for organic versions of fruits and vegetables, such as apples, berries, peppers, spinach, tomatoes, and cucumbers, which typically contain the highest levels of pesticides. Free-range chickens, eggs, and organic milk are also worth the extra money because they don’t have added hormones or antibiotics.

5. Don’t be a depressive

Just because you’ve decided to alternate your eating habits doesn’t mean your friends and family will follow. So don’t be the person who makes everyone feel bad when you go out to eat. Almost all restaurants offer healthy options, and if they don’t, there are some simple changes you can make to stay on track.

Choose salads with grilled chicken or lean protein. Ask for sauces for the side, and dip the dressing with your fork before taking a bite, so you’re still getting the flavour without calories and fat. Or choose lean grilled protein with steamed veggies and a complex carbohydrate like a baked yam or plain potato, brown rice, quinoa, or whole-wheat pasta.

6. Remember that it’s okay to deviate from the plan from time to time.

One of the benefits of regular clean eating is that you can enjoy foods that aren’t as “clean” from time to time. So if the vast majority of your diet follows the above rules, allow yourself to eat your favourite cheat meal without guilt. Then, in all likelihood, you will feel satisfied but ready to get back to your healthy diet.

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